Home Services Dental Implants

Dental Implants

The dental implants are substitutes for teeth roots, which have either been lost or are going to be extracted soon. After their successful integration into the bone structure of the maxilla or the mandible (osseointegration), the dental implants can be used to support and provide retention to permanent restorations and therefore patients can have stable teeth again, covering the gaps that appeared after the teeth extractions.

The dental implants are biocompatible and are made of alloys with a high titanium content, using technology similar to the one used in orthopedic surgery.

Most of the patients are suitable for dental implant restorations. However, there are some limitations related to factors such as the bone tissue presence or absence, the patient’s general health, the mouth tissues’ condition and whether the patient is under a drug therapy.


The dental implants in comparison with the classic prostheses (restorations) are better because:

  • The adjacent teeth do not need preparation.
  • They provide retention and support for a fixed or a removable dental prosthesis.
  • They are aesthetically better than the classic prostheses.