Home Services Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders


The diagnostic approach to TMJ disorders includes patient’s health record, various particular imaging/radiographic methods and clinical examination in order to find out the causes of TMJ dysfunction and facial pain.

A usual cause of facial pain and headaches constitute the disorders or dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. TMJ disorders appear with a wide range of symptoms which can include headaches, earaches and limitation in mouth opening (trismus). Patients can also complaint for clicking and noises during the function of the temporomandibular joint (i.e. the joint between the mandible) as well as for pain during opening or closure of the mouth.

The differential diagnosis can be difficult sometimes and requires an excellent knowledge of the facial anatomy and of the related to the TMJ regenerated diseases, injuries, inflammations or stress. After recording all these data, a treatment plan is made and the TMJ disorder is estimated exactly, in order to manage the patient conventionally or with more complicated oral and maxillofacial surgical operations, always in a hospital setting.


Conventional management (1st step therapeutic intervention) of TMJ disorders and the accompanying orofacial pain, usually includes:

  • Placement of a specific stabilization splint
  • Soft diet
  • Physiotherapy alone or assisted by a splint
  • Psychological therapy
  • Anti-inflammatory drug therapy (NSAID’s etc.)
  • Arthroscopic TMJ surgery (a minimally invasive procedure)
  • Intra-muscular drug therapy